Monday, March 18, 2013

Prom Dresses

     Prom is coming up!
My personal favorite prom dresses are strapless. That is the kind that I want when I'm a junior and senior and go! I don't like when there is a ton of sparkles, but I don't think these dresses have too many. I mean, there are a few, but its really not overwhelming. I like the top, how its symmetrical and just pretty I guess! 2 people have dresses like these who are going to cotillion, except I'm pretty sure it is actually a light pink versus the blue, which is really pretty. I love these dresses they are gorgeous!

Save Our Seas Foundation

The Save our Seas Foundation is a foundation that works to help out marine life. They do research, spread awareness, and host conservation projects to help preserve the marine life and let people know that it is a problem today.
There are 5 Main Threats to Oceans:
  1. Overfishing: Overfishing is pretty self explanatory, people are fishing too much and are effecting the ecosystems that are set up in areas within the ocean because fish are caught faster than they can reproduce. People are fishing more as a result of a stronger demand for seafood around the world, and this is a main threat to Ocean Life as a whole.
  2. Predator Loss: When sharks, tuna and other predators in oceans are targeted and are taken out of play in ecosystems, it effects not only their legitimate prey, but also a lot of other things down the chain.
  3. Climate Change: Oceans have always been regulating the climate everywhere. It takes in up to half of the CO2 emissions that humans let off. Oceans absorb heat in the summer and release it in the winter, regulating the climate furthermore. Human climate change is gradually making the ocean more acidic, and if this continues, the marine ecosystem as well as the earth as a whole will be affected.
  4. Pollution: Pollution has continued to be a problem for ocean ecosystems for a while, because humans held the belief that if they dumped dangerous things in the oceans, it would just be diluted and not effect anything. Plastic and noise are two major pollutants. A lot of people don't know that noise in oceans actually affect the environments. Fish and mammals in the sea often use sound waves to find their prey as well as just navigation.
  5. Habitat Destruction: Overfishing, pollution, and climate change all contribute to the destruction of habitats.

I chose this cause because oceans are a really important part of our lives. And as seen above, they are in great danger. I am going to support this cause by getting the word out about how our oceans are in danger, and when I go to the beach, helping to clean up the shores and help in any way i can.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


This snowboard reminds me of snow and just winter in general. I think dark blue is a typical color that is related to blue, which is probably a reason the designers made this board! And snowboarding is a fun activity, I've tried it, just not my favorite thing to do.

These goggles are pretty cool, they have tinted lenses and a nice blue theme to them. I would totally buy these if i could ( and if I snowboarded..)
It recently snowed around 2 feet at my house so i figured I would get in the season with some snowboards. Personally I don't snowboard, but my younger sister does and she's pretty good!  She set up a rail and jumps and things all around my backyard, its nice! But anyway, snowboarding goggles are a necessity for any snowboarder so that you can see while heading down the slopes, and it wouldn't hurt to have a cool board too!

Thursday, March 7, 2013


This is a blue poison dot frog and it is actually poisonous. They eat little insects and beetles and things like that. As an adult, poison dart frogs don't really have predators, but as tadpoles they often will get eaten. I actually love frogs, I always see them in my yard around my house hiding in plants and things. They're always slimy and kind of make your skin crawl, but they are still such a cool animal! I have never actually, for lack of a better word, 'met' a blue poison dart frog, but I want to! And they're tiny also, only about 2 inches long as an adult, and 0.3 ounces. wow