Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Moon

The moon is an amazing thing. The fact that people have visited it is beyond me! People, just like you and me, have traveled to a place where almost no others have visited. It's truly amazing, beyond anything that anyone would have expected possible a few years ago
The moon is like a big magic trick, now you see it, now you don't. Of course it is always there, you can only see it shine when it turns dark outside and the sun is away. That's why crescents are cool, you can only see parts of it because of the angle at which the sun's light reflects. The color that the moon appears to be depends on the sun's light as well. It's usually white, but depending on how the light reflects off of the moon, it can look blue, and many other colors as well.
Pretty cool huh? The moon is a magical thing

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Blueberry Picking

Blueberry picking is one of the things that I always look forward to. In the summer, my family and I constantly go up and down the rows bursting with blueberry bushes until we're full of blueberries and decide to head home to start on the blueberry pie. Yum!

Thursday, February 7, 2013


Time to meet one of my top shoe brands: converse.They remind me so much of the summer at the beach and the sand and the bright sun. They're comfortable, nice, and one of the only shoes that I don't think will ever be out of style. They're pretty nice looking too, which is an essential for them to be in style. Converse are perfect for any weather, hot or cold, windy or ..not windy, anything really! There are a bunch of different colors of them too, just about any color you could think of. Throughout this blog, you will learn about some pretty cool shoes (blue of course), and many more BLUE things to come!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

First Firework

Everyone's favorite color was blue at one point, c'mon, who's wasn't? Blue is a quality color. My first post was one of a firework, as you can see. Fireworks are exciting, spontaneous, bright, and just fun things in general, so I figured it was a good way to start off! My goal for this blog is to make a lot of people smile about little things everyday. Of course you won't feel blue when you're reading, this blog will brighten your day everyday!!
Everything blue you could ever think of will be here. Fireworks, plants, animals, fruits, clothes, everything! If you are in a blue kind of mood, this blog will kick you out of that and force you to smile and have a good time! Fireworks are bright and are impossible to not like, the 4th of July is all about fireworks right? Spending time with your family in the summer, lying on a blanket watching the bright stars come to life in the sky above you. They're amazing (especially the blue ones)!